How to Prepare Building Project Report in 2024? Sample Report PDF

I have already discussed the Details Project Report (DPR). But in this blog post, I will discuss the building Project Report. How to prepare a detailed Project report of the building. If you are interested in this topic you are in the right place.

Prepare Building Project Report

First of all, we need to prepare an ACKNOWLEDGMENT for the project. I have attracted simple type acknowledgment of the building project report.


I want to express my big gratitude on behalf of the project manager for providing great support and guidance for our project. We benefit greatly from his reasoning, experience, and sharp comments.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to our respective teacher Er. NAME OF THE PRINCIPAL OF KUMARI ENGINEERING COLLEGE. Who gives us full time during architectural design? A successful project can never be prepared without the teamwork and guidance of a few communicating people who actively or passively help to complete a successful project.

Thanks also to our teachers at KEC ER. Name of engineer assisting us. I express my sincere gratitude to the dignitaries who directly and indirectly helped to complete this work. The support, help, and approval provided by everyone everywhere is easy. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to our family, friends, and well-wishers who encouraged and supported this initiative.
Thank you.

Name: Ramesh Pradhan
Roll no: XX

As partial fulfillment of the Diploma in Engineering program of the Council for Technical Educational and Vocational Training, Faculty of Civil Engineering, I was required to prepare a field report on a BUILDING PROJECT.

I had an opportunity to carry out my field activities with “BUILDING” This project aims to make us capable of tackling existing problems related to civil engineering with the application of the knowledge we gained. Our college offers us the project of building. these deal with the design of buildings, their plans, cross-sections, estimates of their materials, and earthwork calculations.

The main purpose of the field activities was to acquaint me with the practical business world where I could apply my theoretical and practical concepts to real life. It also provides me an opportunity to integrate and apply theory with building practices. During the field activities, I got an opportunity to learn as well as develop managerial skills.

Throughout the whole work, it was too difficult to work under the guidance of our project advisor the project advisor always provided us used full tips while we faced problems and gave us a deep knowledge of engineering. their valuable guidance will always help us in the future.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Background
    • Components of building
    • Planning of building
    • Setting out of the building
  • STRUCTURAL SYSTEM AND LOADING                                            
  • METHODOLOGY                                                                                               
    • Drawing of slabs
    • Design of staircase
    • Design of beam
    • Design of column
    • Design of basement wall
    • Design of lift wall
    • Design of mat foundation
  • Conclusion


A building can be defined as a permanent or temporary structure enclosed within exterior walls and a roof, including all attached apparatus, equipment, and fixtures. A building is used for different purposes such as Living Education Centre, Hospitals, Banks, Shops, offices, Factories, and Temples, etc.

A good building should ensure optimum utilization of built-up is proper ventilation, thermal comfort, desirable illumination and acoustical characterize, and it should satisfy the functional requirements of people who live and work in the buildings.

  • Based on occupancy (purpose of use), Buildings are classified as follows:
    • Residential Buildings
    • Educational Buildings
    • Institutional Buildings
    • Assembly Buildings
    • Mercantile Buildings
    • Industrial Buildings
    • Storage Buildings
    • Hazardous Buildings
  • Based on the material used for its construction
    • Buildings made by Adobe (AD) material
    • Buildings made up of brock with mud mortar (BM)
    • Buildings made up of brick with cement mortar (BC)
    • Building made of steel
    • Building made of timber
    • Building made by Reinforced Concrete _RC 5 (number of stories 5)
  • Based on RC 3 (Number of storied less or equal to 3)
    • Based on the method of construction
    • Load-bearing
    • Frame structure

Components of Building

The components of a building can be broadly summarized as the under:

  • Foundation
  • Plinth
  • Walls
  • Columns
  • Floors
  • Doors, windows, and ventilators
  • Stair
  • Roof
  • Building finishes
  • Building services

Planning of Building

All building exerts a direct and indirect influence on the people who use the building as well as me one’s who see the building. the direct influence is judged from the feedback as to how far the building helps in making its occupants comfortable healthy and cheerful. The indirect influence is far-reaching as it not only affects the occupants of the building who are influenced by what they see of the outside from the inside. But also, the people who see the building from outside as it from a part of overall development and landscape.

The topographical features of the site with natural and artificial surrounding are to be taken into account while planning and designing a building.

Architectural Design Aims

Architectural design and drawing include the site land, orientation of building, its plan, elevation, sections with various elements of building.

Structural design aims to design a safe structure against expected loads to come in the life period of the structure due to the dead weights of the structural components, occupancies, wind, earthquake, snow, settlement etc. the phase consists of mainly two stages, first is the analysis, and next is the design and detailing of the structure and structural elements to achieve the safest, economically viable at par with the latest Indian standard codes. The work will be comprised of following components.

  • Review of the architectural drawings
  • Structural analysis and design and detailing with standard commercial finite element-based software. The structural analysis shall include linear-

Dynamic (response spectrum) analysis. Nepal lies seismically the most active zone. So, there is always the risk of large earthquakes, however the earthquake resistance design doesn’t mean to design a damage – free structure against earthquake shaking, but has the following basis:

Minor earthquake: no damage at all

As moderate earthquake: Non-structural elements may get damaged, but structural elements are not yet affected.

Major earthquake: structural elements may also damage, but collapse in prevented, thereby, saying the lives and properties.

Thus, the structure is so design as to prevent sudden collapse and remain serviceable against the design shaking as per modal requirements. This is achieved by performing the proper analysis for seismic loads, and proper design, maintaining the ductility in the structure.

Features of NBC 205

Building Features
Type of StructureRCC Frame
Concrete GradeM20
Steel GradeFe-500
Design CodeNBC, IS
Base area886.453 sq ft (floor area)
Height of Storey9’4″
Number of floors3
Total height of buildings 32’11”
Base Dimension35’6″ x 30′
Height–Width Ratio0.95<3
Length –Width Ratio1.17<3
Wall and partitionBrick Wall
Foundation typefooting (Isolate & Combined with beam)
ColumnsRectangular (300*300) mm
BeamsRectangular (230*230) mm
SlabTwo way slab [4”(125mm)thick]
Maximum beam span14’0″
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete5000*=22360.68 N/m2


  • Dead Load
    • Self-weight of members
    • Flooring load=1.0KN/m2
    • Wall load 9” thick without opening=11.50 KN/m
    • Wall load 9” thick with 25% opening=8.60 KN/m
    • Partition load=1.5 KN/m2
    • Parapet wall load=3.87 KN/m
    • Stair load on beam=19.984 KN/m
  • Live Loads
    • Room=2.6 KN/m2
    • Corridor, staircase =3.0 KN/m2
    • Balcony=3.0 KN/m2
    • Roof=1.5 KN/m2


  • Materials
    • NBC 101
    • Brock [Is 1077, Is 2212]
    • Cement [IS 8112, is 12269]
    • Admixture: [ASTM C494/C, 494/M, Is9103]
    • Reinforcing steel: [Is 456. Is1139, Is 1786]
  • Loadings
    • Dead load: [WC 102, Is875 pan]
    • Live load: [NBC 103, Is875part II]
    • winds load: [NBC 104]
    • Seismic loads: [NBC 205, IS 1893:2002]
  • Design Codes
    • Reinforced concrete :[NBC 110, Is 456, SP 16]

Principle of Designing

The main objective of designing a building is to confirm that different components of a building are so arranged that the occupants can perform the desired function of comfort. Good planning also requires that the whole area available within a building is gainfully utilized, with a minimum area allocated to circulation. the assorted principle which should be kept visible while planning of building may be broadly divided into the followings.


It includes an arrangement of doors and windows, a kitchen room, a bedroom(west or southwest orientation), a reading room(north side), a store, a staircase, a classroom, etc.


prospective is that the term wants to highlight 1 hc architectural treatment given to put together making it aesthetically pleasing from the outside and arranging external doors and windows in such a manner that the occupants are able to enjoy the specified outside views from certain rooms.


Groping consists of arranging various rooms within the layout plans of the building in such a fashion that every one of the rooms is placed in proper correlation to their function and in proximity with one another.


Privacy is taken into account be one of the foremost important principles of designing altogether buildings especially in residential buildings. Privacy is also from one part to a different part of the identical building or it should be the privacy of all parts of the building from neighboring buildings, public streets or byways, etc.

Furniture requirements

The furniture requirement of a space or an apartment depends upon the furniture required to be performed therein. The furniture requirement of a front room in a dwelling is different from that of a category room in a school.


The effect produced by deriving the most pleasure in the minimum dimensions of space is termed roominess. Roominess is hence the accomplishment of the economy of space without cramping (hampering) the plan.


Circulation means internal access provided in an exceeding room or between rooms on the identical floor. Passages, halls, and lobbies perform the function of circulation on the identical Hoof; such provision is termed horizontal circulation. on the other hand, stairs, tins, ramps, etc. which serve the aim of providing means of access between different floors get covered under the category of the term vertical circulation.


The sanitation covers cannot only sanitary convenience like W.C., urinals bathrooms. Washbasins etc. But also, proper and adequate lighting ventilation, and facilities for general cleaning of the building.


Elegance is a tile term that wants to express the effect produced by the elevation and also the general layout of the building. Hence a building to be elegant, it’s necessary that its layout should slot in good relevance to the positioning and its environment.


Flexibility means designing certain rooms required for a specific purl manner that they’ll be used for overlapping functions as and when desired.


The economy is one in every one of the important factors which are required to be kept in view while evolving any scheme. Every unit of the built-up area may be a function of COST and per se, the architect has to ensure that buildings planned by him are often complete within the funds available for the project.

Orientation (setting out) of Building

Orientation of building is the term accustomed to defining the setting or fixing the direction of the layout plan of the building about the direction or North.

The orientation of a building is termed as optimum when the building is meant and laid out such a manner that’s it ready to achieve indoor comfort conditions by gainfully utilizing the beneficial effects of the weather of nature like sun, wind, and rain. the simplest orientation of a building from solar heat consideration requires that the plan of the Mc building is so laid that the building as a full receives maximum sun during winter months. Avoid excessive heat during summer months at the same time the setting of the building should be specified the full advantage of the prevalent wind direction is taken to attain desirable air motion indoors. it’s observed that the building may be oriented at any angle between 0 to three degrees without losing any beneficial effect of wind.

Methodology: The Design Approach

The following design should be included while designing the building:

  1. Architectural design a drawing
  2. Structural design and drawing
  3. Electrical design and drawing, layout
  4. Sanitary drawings of plumbing

After designing all components of the building, a detailed drawing is prepared quantity estimation of every item should be done.

Architectural design aims

Architectural design and drawing include the location of land, the orientation of the building, its plan, elevation, and sections with various elements of the building.

The structural design aims to style a secure structure against expected loads to come back within the life period of the structure because of the dead weights of the structural components, occupancies, wind, earthquake, snow, settlement, etc. The phase consists of mainly two stages, first is the analysis, and next is the design and detailing of the structure and structural elements to realize the safest, economically viable at par with the newest Indian standard codes. The work is comprised of the following components.

Review of the architectural drawings

Structural analysis and style and detailing with standard commercial finite element-based software. The structural analysis shall include linear-
Dynamic (response spectrum) analysis. Nepal lies seismically in the foremost active zone. So, there’s always the chance of huge earthquakes, however, the earthquake resistance design doesn’t mean styling a damage-free structure against earthquake shaking, but has the subsequent basis:

Minor earthquake: no damage at all

As a moderate earthquake: Non-structural elements may get damaged, but structural elements are not yet affected.

Major earthquake: structural elements may also be damaged, but collapse is prevented, thereby, saving lives and properties.

Thus, the structure is so designed to prevent sudden collapse and remain serviceable against the design shaking as per modal requirements. This is achieved by performing the proper analysis for seismic loads, and proper design, maintaining the ductility in the structure.

Structure design and analysis have been performed using NBC code 205. We have found these tools to user user-friendly and reliable. Despite their efficiency and reliability. We don’t hesitate to accept and realize that there is always space for improvement.

So guys I hope you can create a building project report for your particular project. If you have any queries please comment down.

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