Today we will learn how to calculate horizontal distance using auto level so that you can measure distance easily.
I hope you already know these tips, but some people don’t. So this blog is ready for someone who doesn’t know about this method to find out the horizontal distance between Auto levels and staff.
Auto level is a machine that helps to measure any surface but today we are trying to know how to calculate the horizontal distance of the terrain. The strategy used to track down the even distance is known as the ‘stadia technique‘.
Please read this article completely so you don’t have any problems later. I hope you are very excited to see this topic today. I am also happy to share this knowledge with you. So let’s do it:
An auto-level machine is an expert device ordinarily utilized for an exact evening out. It is additionally used to quantify even distances nearby.
The apparatus should be utilized on a level surface to make this strategy work accurately. The revelation of the Stadia range is useful for discovering geographical subtleties like waterways, fields, scaffolds, streets, and structures.

If you want to go inside a level you need to know the distance between two points, here is a method used to calculate the distance between two points, different methods are used to Calculate the Distance using Auto Level. But in this post will discuss Calculating the Distance between Two Points using auto-level.
How to calculate the distance between two points using Auto Levels and Distance. If you ever wanted to know the distance between two points, the distance must be calculated in staff reading.
No need to calculate the difference in directions, or altitude and air deck for that matter. To do so, the method of the distance must be calculated in staff top and bottom readings. I will clear you all the steps to calculate the distance between auto levels to staff.
What is an Auto Level Machine?
It is the automatic level machine used to measure distance, finding accurate points and elevation of the land, buildings, and any structures. This is used in surveying. The distance is measured with the help of staff.
An auto-level machine is an expert device ordinarily utilized for an exact evening out. It is additionally used to quantify even distances nearby.
What is staff called to use in the level survey?
Staff is the leveling rod used in surveying. It is made of wooden and aluminum rods used to determine vertical and horizontal distances with the help of a level machine.
Most people search all the steps to calculate horizontal distance using auto level. But that doesn’t get the exact steps. Most of this equipment is used to locate the point of the land.
Before Calculate Horizontal Distance using Auto Level and staff, you need to know some terminology used in the auto level survey. The following is the terminology used in the auto-level survey.
Stadia hair
It is the horizontal cross-hair in the Auto Level an equal distance from the center crosshair of the Auto level. Stadia’s hair is two lines one above and one below from the center crosshair. You can see in the figure below:

The horizontal line and vertical line cross perpendicular to each other provided on the auto level is called crosshair. It makes a 90-degree to each other. You can see this in the figure below:

Required pieces of equipment
- Auto level machine
- Staff
- Peg
- Hammer
- Tripod
- Tape
- Ranging Rod
Auto Levels and Distance
In this article, I am going to talk about the methods for Calculate Horizontal Distance using Auto Level.
Distances are determined based on which distance is required to line up the two objects after that the distance between the objects has to be calculated. To calculate the distance between two objects, first, the distance between them has to be calculated.
This is where distance calculation is given an impactful role in the objects. The distance between two objects is dependent on which distance is required to line up the two objects. Auto level a surface is nothing but a collection of points that are formed on a line.
Calculate Horizontal Distance using Auto Level
Following are the steps for Calculate the Distance using Auto Level:
First of all, you can set the instrument on the field. Like leveling, centering, etc. after that, we can measure staff readings. This is the stadia hair method of Calculate Horizontal Distance using Auto Level. So we can use the staff readings (top hair and bottom hair).
Calculate the Distance with the example:
Collect staff reading
Top stadia hair Reading= 2.85 meter
Bottom stadia hair Reading= 2.605 meter
Now, subtract the bottom hair reading from the top hair reading of the staff.
Different reading=top hair reading-bottom hair reading
Now convert 0.145 meters to centimeter
Note: 1m=100cm
That is 0.245meter=0.245*100=24.5 cm.
In the Auto Level machine, The different scale of Top stadia hair and bottom stadia hair is designed in such a principle, which is 1cm is equal to 1m.
Top stadia hair-bottom stadia hair=1cm in the machine
Top stadia hair-bottom stadia hair=1m in the field.
So, that is 1cm (Auto level) =1m(field)
In such a principle following data (24.5cm) is instrument different but 24.5m is in the field.
So, in this case, the Horizontal Distance of Two points is 24.5m.
The horizontal distance between the two points is calculated by the difference between the top stadia hair reading and the bottom stadia hair reading. The difference is to convert into a centimeter-scale and change the result from instrument to field.
This is the Stadia hair method to Calculate Horizontal Distance using Auto Level.
So, guys, This article is very helpful to you. if you like and are helpful please share this post with your friends who want to know about calculating horizontal distance using an auto-level. for more engineering information please visit my blog. Thank you.