Highway Engineering | Scope & Technical Classification

Highway Engineering 

Highway Engineering is the branch of transportation engineering that deals with the planning, design, construction and maintenance of road and roadway facilities to cater to the needs of road traffic are termed Highway Engineering.




Advantages of road transportation

  • Wide Geographical coverage
  • Low capital investment
  • Large influential area
  • Provided Door door service
  • The flexibility of service concerning the time
  • High employment potential
  • Quick and assured deliveries
  • Economical for short transportation way


Disadvantages of road transportation

  • Road transportation destroys agricultural land.
  • Road transport is not economical for long transportation
  • In cases of parking problems
  • Road transport is a poor record of safety.
  • It consumes large fuel which should be imported


Different modes of transportation


Provide door-to-door service
The initial investment is low
The huge amount of fuel consumption
Air and noise pollution



Mass transport
It doesn’t provide door-to-door service
High fuel consumption



Fast transportation
An economical way to transport
High initial investment



Mass transport
Low amount of fuel consumption



Low no of ropeways in Nepal.
No pollution
It can attract more tourists in this way.


Road classification

Nepal Road Standard (NRS)

The classification of the road in Nepal is based on the two types. Which are administrative classification and technical classification. I will explain the Road classification in Nepal Road Standard. The following is the classification of Road.


Administrative classification

National Highway

National highways are the main road connecting east to west or north to south of the nation. These serve the larger portion of long-distance travel directly. Provide a continuously higher level of service in terms of travel speed. They are designated by the letter ‘H’ followed by a two-digit number.


Feeder road

Feeder roads are the important road of localized nature. This road connects district Headquarters, major economical centers, and tourism centers to the national highway or another feeder road.
They are designated with the letter ‘F’ followed by a three-digit number.


District road

District roads are important roads within a district serving area of production and markets with each other or with main Highways.
Urban road
Urban roads are roads serving the urban municipalities. This toad is constructed in an urban area.


Function/ Technical classification

1st Class 

1st Class is the highest standard road with a divided carriageway and access control with an ADT of 20000 PCU or more in 20 years perspective period.


2nd Class 

2nd Class is that road with an ADT of 5000 to 20000 PCU in 20 years. The designed speed adopted for the design of this class of road in plain terrain is 100 KM/hr.


3rd Class 

3rd Class roads are those with ADT of 2000 to 5000 PCU in 20 years. Design speed in plat terrain is 80 KM/hr.


4th Class

4th Class roads are those roads with ADT of less than 2000 PCU in 20 years perspective period. Design speed in plant terrain 60 KM/hr.

ADT= Average Daily Traffic
PCU=Passenger Car Unit


Scope of Highway Engineering

The scope of highway engineering is to describe the different phases.

Phase 1. 

Development planning and location
Historical background basis of planning master plane engineering Surveying.


Phase 2. 

Highway design geometric and structure
Road construction and their Rigid design pavement and Flexible pavements overlay design, drainage design.

Phase 3. 

Traffic performance and its control
Traffic study analysis of traffic regulation and its control, intersection design signs signals.


Phase 4. 

Material Construction and maintenance
Highway material mix design earthwork etc.


Phase 5. 

Economic finance and administrative
Road user cost economical analysis of highway project.


mainly in the civil construction highway also one of the main parts of engineering. So we need to deal with Highway engineering in different sectors. if any information mistakes or need to improve please join us on Instagram. Thank you.

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