Create a 3D Motion Path Animation Video on AutoCAD

3D motion is the video content format for Graphics designing. Specially AutoCAD designers create a video animation of the AutoCAD graphics to visualize realistic.

If you are interested in generating a 3D motion path animation video from AutoCAD this article helps you in a better way. Hope you guys can create motion videos of your AutoCAD 3d Design.

3D Motion video is one of the video formats that is created using an AutoCAD camera and some commands. Like camera, Copy, Move, and path. you can see below for the making process.

But one thing you can create a 3D video animation from 2012 to the present version of AutoCAD. If you can try to create an older version of AutoCAD that’s a very hard way.

I am going to show you how to make a 3D Animation video on AutoCAD software. So, friends, this article is very important for you. If you can go to make the 3D motion path Animation video on AutoCAD. I am going to share all the details of making a 3D motion path Animation video in this article. You must read this article till the end of the page.

At last, you can get a video also about creating a 3D Animation Video on AutoCAD. In this article getting the knowledge of The drawing picture is to be converted into video form. If you go to make a video of the AutoCAD drawing please visit till the end.

3D Motion path animation video on AutoCAD

It is not possible to easily make AutoCAD drawings in 3D video form. But today I will show you all the process of making 3D motion animation videos on AutoCAD too easily. After reading this article you can make a motion path Animation video on your computer easily.

Follow the following instructions to make a motion path Animation video on your computer on AutoCAD software.

First of all, open the AutoCAD Application on your computer or laptop.

Open the 3D drawing file in which you will be making a 3D motion path Animation video.

The drawing file appears on the AutoCAD screen.

Second, you should open the menu bar at the top of the screen.

For that show menu bar is required.

Click the down arrow which lies on the ribbon bar or middle top of the AutoCAD screen.

A dropdown list will appear on the screen.

How to Create 3D Motion Path Animation Video on AutoCAD ? How to Make Animation Video ?

Click the Show Menu Bar on the second last of the drop-down list.

After selecting the show menu bar “Menu Bar” will appear at the top of the screen.

How to Create 3D Motion Path Animation Video on AutoCAD ? How to Make Animation Video ?

The 3D drawing is to be a set-top view or plan view.

Click the custom view >>click the top view.

The drawing will be shown in the top view.

Then after Circle should be made at the center of the top-view drawing.

Click “C Command” to make a circle on the command bar at the bottom of the AutoCAD screen. Then,

How to Create 3D Motion Path Animation Video on AutoCAD ? How to Make Animation Video ?

Click the center of the plan or top view drawing then click outside of the 3D drawing.

Offset the circle 1 foot in the inner part of the circle.

Type “O command” for offset put the offset value as 1 foot and click the inner part of the previous circle.

The drawing will show in the isometric view.

For setting out the isometric view click the custom view and click SW isometric.

How to Create 3D Motion Path Animation Video on AutoCAD ? How to Make Animation Video ?

The drawing will be shown in an isometric view. Show the font view as required.

Move the two circles on the top of the 3D drawing. View the figure below.

The next process is to Move the inner circle in a downward direction by 4 to 6 inches.

Type “M command” for moving the inner circle select the circle drag it down and put the move value as 4 to 6 inches.

Friends, now the next process is Menu Bar.

Go to the Menu Bar.

Click the view button the dialog box will appear.

A dropdown list will appear on the screen.

Create a 3D Motion Path Animation Video on AutoCAD

Click the Motion Path Animation at the bottom of the dialog box.

How to Create 3D Motion Path Animation Video on AutoCAD ? How to Make Animation Video ?

Motion Path Animation dialog box will appear on the screen.

How to Create 3D Motion Path Animation Video on AutoCAD ? How to Make Animation Video ?

Fill up the Motion Path Animation Box

Fill up the dialog box.

Link the camera to path 1 and path 2.

Click path 1 and select the first path which is the outer circle.

Put the path 1 Name on the pathname box.

Click OK.

Also, click path 2 and select the second path which is the inner circle.

Put the path 2 Name on the pathname box.

Put the value of Frame rate, Number of frames, and Duration on the right side.

You can choose a visual style as your requirement. Which is suitable for the Animation video.

Choose the resolution of the video. Click resolution and select one on the drop-down list.

Also, select the video format. Like AVI, MPG, and MVW. I recommend choosing MVW.

Untick when previewing show Camera preview and click the preview button.

This process takes some time for previewing.

After the complete preview tick again when previewing shows the Camera preview.

Press Ok.

Put the video name. Like Animation video. MVW/AVI/MPG.

Click the Save button.

The process required 5 to 10 minutes to save the video. The process depends on the processor of the computer or laptop.

After completing the saving process go to the location of the saving file and then open the video.

Finally, you can get full information about the 3D Motion Path Animation Video on AutoCAD. Now you can create a motion animation video in AutoCAD.

I hope this is very helpful. If you are a YouTuber, presenter of a project, or developer able to make Animation videos in AutoCAD easily. The above process is followed when you go to make a motion path Animation video in AutoCAD. You can use it practically in the software.

If you like and Helpful this article. You can share it with other friends. If you have any doubts about 3D motion path Animation please comment to me in the comment box below. Also follow me on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


How do you animate a motion path?

1. Select or create the object you want to animate.
2. Use the drawing tools to create a path (line, curve, or custom shape).
3. Select the object and apply a “Follow Path” animation effect.
4. Set the path and adjust the animation timing, duration, and ease-in/out settings.
5. Play the animation to ensure the object follows the path smoothly.
6. Make any necessary adjustments to the path or timing.

How do you animate an object to follow a path?

a.Create path
b.Define object
c.Attach object to path
d.Set keyframes along the path
e.Adjust timing
f.Preview animation
g.Refine as needed
h.Export animation

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