Title: 30 Tips and Tricks of Steel Reinforcement
Steel reinforcement is one of the best and most essential construction materials. Without the steel rebar, construction is not successful at present. Each and everywhere steel Reinforcement should be used for better construction. So that in this article I will explain the Technical Knowledge of Reinforcement. If you are a fresher civil engineer, before going to the job sector you should have more than more knowledge about steel reinforcement.
I will share with you more than 30+ points of technical knowledge of steel Reinforcement. The formula, terms, and conditions, strength, spacing of bar, lapping, concrete cover, etc. This is concluded in this article. I hope all the technical tips are very helpful to your job sector and education field. So stay tuned till the end:
Technical Information on Steel Reinforcement
I am exploring 30-plus technical tips and tricks on steel reinforcement that are very important to the fresher and more experienced technical person. Especially civil engineering professionals. all are the theoretical information that is directly connected to the engineering job field.
Why are cover blocks used in Reinforcement
- Maintain a specified distance between Rebar and shuttering.
- To protect steel Reinforcement from corrosion.
- Provide thermal insulation.
Concrete cover for Steel Reinforcement:
- Foundation = 3” or 75 mm.
- Column = 1.5” or 40 mm.
- Beam = 1.5” or 40 mm.
- Slab = 0.75” or 20 mm.
- Stair = 0.75” or 20 mm.
Weight Calculation Formula in meters
- Weight of steel =D²/162.2 kg/m.
Formula to find out the weight of Reinforcement in feet
- Weight of steel =D²/533 kg/ft.
A minimum number of bars in a square-shaped column = 4 numbers.
A minimum number of bars in a round shape column = 6 numbers.
Types of steel:
- Mild steel = 250 N/m250
Characteristics strength Fy = 250 N/mm²
- HYSD = High yield strength deformed bars
Fe 415, fy=415 N/mm²
Fe 500, fy=500 N/mm²
Maximum chair spacing = 1 meter.
MS bar for the chair shouldn’t be less than 12 mm in diameter.
Deformed of Reinforcement
TMT: Thermomechanical Treated Bars.
TMX: This means Thermax Powered Bars.
SD: Which are Super Ductile Bars?
HYSD: It is a Super Yield Strength Deformed Bars.
CTD: The full from Cold Twisted Bars Deformed.
The standard length of MS bar.
The full length of deformed MS bars is about 40 feet or 12 meters.
Tension zone
T. Lapping = 50 D to 60 D (D=diameter of the bar)
compression zone
C. Lapping = 24 D
Minimum percentage of steel in column = 0.8 % of the gross area of the column.
Maximum percentage of steel in column = 6% of the gross area of the column.
The transverse Reinforcement of the column is called Ties.
The transverse Reinforcement of the column is called stirrups.
How to calculate no stirrups in the beam?
- Formula = (clear span/ C to C length)+1
Minimum hook length of stirrups = 9D (90mm)
Stirrups hook angle be 135°.
The end hook angle of the longitudinal bars of the column and beam should be 90°.
The length of the hook should not be less than 12 d. Where d is the diameter of the bar.
No lapping should be placed in the Tension zone.
More than 50 % of bars shouldn’t be lapped in one zone.
Deflection means = Temporary displacement
Deformation means = Permanent displacement.
Why do we use only steel as a Reinforcement?
- Only steel should be used for Reinforcement because of the coefficient of thermal expansion.
For binding one ton of MS bar, 8 kg to 12 kg binding wire is required.
The minimum diameter of bars used is slab: 8 mm.
Minimum diameter of bars used in Column: 12 mm.
The minimum diameter of bars used in dowel bars is 12 mm.
The maximum diameter of bars used in the slab shouldn’t exceed 1/8th of the total slab thickness.
Young modulus of steel (Es)=2×10⁵ N/mm².
The strength of reinforcement should not be less than 15 % of its designed strength.
Ms bar larger than 36 mm diameter shouldn’t be lapped welding is preferred.
The longitudinal bars should be bent at 90° and the bent length should not be less than 18” or 1.5 feet.
This is the most important Technical knowledge of steel Reinforcement for the fresher civil engineers. The construction was used for steel Reinforcement and the engineer should have knowledge of all works of Reinforcement in the construction. So I complete a collection of the Technical knowledge of Steel Reinforcement for the fresher civil engineer.
Before you go to the working field the above points should learn to easily work in the field. After getting this Technical Information on Reinforcement you will be a successful person at the base of steel reinforcements. If you like this article you get informative knowledge about steel reinforcement comment below.